Category Archives: Move Planning and Management

Autumn Adventures: Moving House during the Fall Season

As I sit here in late July, watching the excitement of the Paris Olympics, it’s hard to believe that fall will be upon us in just a few short weeks. In the world of moving, we’re currently in the middle of the “busy season,” with many people taking advantage of the warm weather and long daylight hours.

But have you ever considered the benefits of moving in the fall? If you’re not tied to school schedules and have a certain amount of flexibility, autumn can be an ideal time to make a move. Here’s why:

1. Less Competition

Fall isn’t the peak moving season, so you may find it easier to schedule movers and secure discounts from moving companies... Read the rest

Dealing with the Grief Process while Moving

“Grief reorders your address book.” A friend of mine used that phrase when talking about the support (or lack thereof) he received after the death of his son. People he expected to step up to help him and his family went silent or disappeared; conversely, people he didn’t know well stepped forward and provided meals and a listening ear. It was an illuminating insight into the world surrounding grief.

At The Move Makers, we specialize in senior move management, and we’ve witnessed firsthand how grief can reorder and reshape lives. Our role extends beyond logistics; we offer a shoulder to lean on and a compassionate ear to listen... Read the rest

Navigating the Complexities: Business Moves vs. Residential Moves

At The Move Makers, we don’t only manage senior moves. We help young families relocate to or from other cities, busy professionals get settled and back to work quickly after a move, as well as business clients relocating offices. But moving a business has complexities of its own. Let’s share a case study.

Picture this: you’re the owner of a bustling chiropractic and acupuncture clinic. In fact, you’re so successful that you’ve outgrown your current space and need to relocate to larger premises. Fortunately, the new clinic isn’t too far away, but you still need to work fast to ensure continuity of service for your clients... Read the rest

Sustainable Moving Unveiled: How to Work with The Move Makers to create Eco-Friendly Practices

When Jim and Francine MacDonald made the decision to sell their cherished family home of 30 years and move to a senior-living community, they had a clear vision in mind. Francine, a former  marine biologist and passionate supporter of environmental causes, was determined not to add anything more than necessary to the waste stream. With sustainability and “reduce, reuse, recycle” firmly in their minds, the MacDonalds sought out move-making companies that shared their values.

Enter The Move Makers – where sustainability is not just a practice…it’s woven into our fabric. As we plan your move, we work on organizing and reducing your household to fit your new space... Read the rest

Streamline Your Move with Ease: A Stress-free Guide to Move Management Services

Happy New Year from The Move Makers!

Have you made a New Year’s resolution? A lot of people do. This is the time of year when gym memberships increase and books about decluttering fly off the shelves. Storage boxes go on sale and some people even think about making dramatic changes, like downsizing and moving house.

If you’re in that category, a move management company like The Move Makers can be a godsend. Choosing the right Move Management company can transform your move from a headache into a hassle-free adventure.

1. Embrace the Expertise:

As the first move management company in Oregon to receive an A+ accreditation from NASMM (National Association of Senior and Specialty Move Managers), The Move Makers have ten years of knowledge and expertise in the intricacies of moving... Read the rest

Clean Up Your Outdoor Spaces NOW to Save Time, Money, and Stress When It’s Time to Move

Fall is a great time to downsize everything outside your home since indoor projects can happen once the weather turns cooler. Even when you are not planning to move, a quick clean-up will give you a head start in the spring. Think of starting at the edges of your property and working inward from the areas most visible from the street (and your neighbors). If you are planning to move within the next year or two, you will save yourself significant stress by taking care of the outside cleanup early, enabling you to focus on the inside of your home later... Read the rest

Prepare to Pack – 10 Packing Tips from the Pros

During the months/weeks/days before your move, remember to stop buying food and supplies. Eat the food in your freezer and pantry, and wait to replace tools and small appliances until you arrive at your new home. For more tips, download our Move Checklist

Do not underestimate the time it takes to pack. If you have ALL of the materials you need and have made ALL of the decisions about what to keep, it may still take 20-40 hours (or more) to pack up your home.

10 Packing Tips from the Pros

  1. Set up an area in each room to place items you will need before, or immediately after your move (medications, computer and phone chargers, vitamins, toiletries, clothing, etc.).
.. Read the rest

Preparing For Your Move – How to Save Time, Money and Avoid Stress

If you are moving this summer, now is the time to do a reality check. Are you finished sorting? Have you booked a mover? Are you being realistic about the time it will take you to do all of the move-related tasks on your list?

Here are 3 tips for saving time, money and avoiding stress:

  1. Book the mover early
    • If you’re moving out of state, your move will be estimated by the weight of everything you are taking. Complete sorting before you get an estimate if at all possible.
    • If you’re moving locally, you will be charged by the hour, so the more you donate, sell or discard, the more you will save.
.. Read the rest

Things to do NOW if you are planning to move in 2022

Are you moving this year, or thinking of moving in the next few years? Moving can be a daunting task, especially if you have a busy life or have lived in your house for many years. There are steps you can take NOW that will make things much easier when it’s time to move.

Please note that if you are moving in the next month or two and you are feeling overwhelmed, read our post about Moving Do’s and Don’ts, or better yet, contact us here. Our team can step in to provide help where you need it. To find out more about our team, see recent post here... Read the rest

More Moving Do’s and Don’ts

Last August, we brought you some Do’s and Don’ts for a move.  Some bear repeating and others are new suggestions for when you are considering a local, intrastate, or interstate move.  Understanding what to expect, and your role and responsibilities as well as those of the mover, can make the process run more smoothly.

DO the hard work of sorting through your goods and dispose/donate anything you no longer want.  Thinking “I’ll just sort it when I get there” means that you’ll pay extra in both time and money.  Interstate moves are based in part on weight, so you don’t want to pack unnecessary items you don’t need... Read the rest