Author Archives: Michael Gettel-Gilmartin

Basement Makeover: A Step-by-step Guide to Decluttering Downstairs

A basement, quite frankly, can be a boon or a bust. If you’re the lucky owner of a house with a finished basement, with a lovely media room for the kids, or a place for the pool table and a player piano on the side, count yourself lucky indeed. For many others, the basement can elicit more problems than pleasure—a damp and dingy space, a place where all the surplus household things go to hide.

Organizing such a basement can be a rewarding project. Imagine walking into a cool, calm subterranean oasis, where everything has its place and where everyone can cool down on a hot summer’s day... Read the rest

Dealing with the Grief Process while Moving

“Grief reorders your address book.” A friend of mine used that phrase when talking about the support (or lack thereof) he received after the death of his son. People he expected to step up to help him and his family went silent or disappeared; conversely, people he didn’t know well stepped forward and provided meals and a listening ear. It was an illuminating insight into the world surrounding grief.

At The Move Makers, we specialize in senior move management, and we’ve witnessed firsthand how grief can reorder and reshape lives. Our role extends beyond logistics; we offer a shoulder to lean on and a compassionate ear to listen... Read the rest

Navigating the Complexities: Business Moves vs. Residential Moves

At The Move Makers, we don’t only manage senior moves. We help young families relocate to or from other cities, busy professionals get settled and back to work quickly after a move, as well as business clients relocating offices. But moving a business has complexities of its own. Let’s share a case study.

Picture this: you’re the owner of a bustling chiropractic and acupuncture clinic. In fact, you’re so successful that you’ve outgrown your current space and need to relocate to larger premises. Fortunately, the new clinic isn’t too far away, but you still need to work fast to ensure continuity of service for your clients... Read the rest

The Great Paper Chase: Dealing with the Paper in Your Life

I have a confession: I have a paper problem. Currently, my desk is a staging post for piles of tax forms, receipts, note cards, bills and magazines. In the attic are boxes containing the more sentimental stuff: old love letters and even my elementary school report cards. (Thanks, Mom!)

Paper piles are hard to keep on top of–and that’s even when the recycling bin seems perennially full and my shredder works overtime. And, quite frankly, they’re an eyesore. Every so often, I dedicate an hour or two to corralling the bills and articles ripped from magazines, using the good old KonMarie Method (“What sparks joy?”).. Read the rest

Streamline Your Move with Ease: A Stress-free Guide to Move Management Services

Happy New Year from The Move Makers!

Have you made a New Year’s resolution? A lot of people do. This is the time of year when gym memberships increase and books about decluttering fly off the shelves. Storage boxes go on sale and some people even think about making dramatic changes, like downsizing and moving house.

If you’re in that category, a move management company like The Move Makers can be a godsend. Choosing the right Move Management company can transform your move from a headache into a hassle-free adventure.

1. Embrace the Expertise:

As the first move management company in Oregon to receive an A+ accreditation from NASMM (National Association of Senior and Specialty Move Managers), The Move Makers have ten years of knowledge and expertise in the intricacies of moving... Read the rest

The Move Makers Team: Thankful for 2023, Excited for What’s Next in 2024

As 2023 comes to a close, we asked members of the Move Makers team what they appreciated about 2023, and what they were looking forward to in the year to come. Here are their responses. We wish all our clients, friends, and blog readers a happy and fulfilling 2024!



Looking back on the year I am grateful for the milestones we celebrated as a family, my dad turning 80 and my youngest kiddo turning 18 and launching into college. I am so grateful both my parents are aging gracefully and are an active part of my life. This coming year I am looking forward to skiing the Tetons, Rockies and Little Cottonwood Canyon.

.. Read the rest

A Bookworm’s Guide to Downsizing A Book Collection

If you’re anything like me, you understand that books aren’t just inanimate objects: they are cherished companions on life’s journey. The classics of childhood evoke memories of days gone by, and the sight of a particular volume can transport you to the very places where you first enjoyed their pages, whether it was in a cozy mountain cabin or a sun-soaked beach. Perhaps you even possess valuable or rare books, or books signed by your favorite authors, with your name etched within.

There’s no denying that books are one of the most difficult things to downsize. They even earn their own chapter in Marie Kondo’s The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up... Read the rest