Category Archives: Q&A

Streamline Your Move with Ease: A Stress-free Guide to Move Management Services

Happy New Year from The Move Makers!

Have you made a New Year’s resolution? A lot of people do. This is the time of year when gym memberships increase and books about decluttering fly off the shelves. Storage boxes go on sale and some people even think about making dramatic changes, like downsizing and moving house.

If you’re in that category, a move management company like The Move Makers can be a godsend. Choosing the right Move Management company can transform your move from a headache into a hassle-free adventure.

1. Embrace the Expertise:

As the first move management company in Oregon to receive an A+ accreditation from NASMM (National Association of Senior and Specialty Move Managers), The Move Makers have ten years of knowledge and expertise in the intricacies of moving... Read the rest

What’s in Your Closet?

The Move Makers work with many reliable and professional partners, and this month we begin a regular feature highlighting these local businesses.

Do you find yourself reaching for the same two or three outfits that are your “safe” clothes – those you think look good on you, are comfortable and fit right – leaving behind a lot of other pieces purchased and worn only once or twice? What’s holding you back from digging deeper in your closet for the items you once liked enough to purchase?

Laura Ziegler of Embracing Our Age works with “women of a certain age” – those generally between 55 and 70 – to bring overlooked clothing to the forefront, helping them re-style their wardrobes with what they already have... Read the rest