Author Archives: The Move Makers

Giving New Life to Old Electronics

This month we feature another Move Maker Resource Partner – EcoBinary

Chances are if your old computer monitor is beige in color and the screen is green, you probably aren’t using it anymore.  Those multiple cords once used to hook up the VCR to the TV, their usefulness long past, leave us with a tangled mess of black wires.  Even a laptop bought five years ago sometimes seems obsolete by year two. What do you do with old electronics, especially when you’re downsizing your home or organizing your office and don’t have room to store them anymore?

Don’t just throw them in the trash bin. .. Read the rest

Tools 4 Troops: Helping Veterans with Tool Donations

Some movies make us laugh, some movies make us cry. But for Pete Wall, the film Pearl Harbor made him look at ways to help veterans. A few short months after viewing that fateful film, he formed Tools4Troops and has helped change the lives of veterans.

Pete, a retired sustainable construction specialist, teamed with Coast Guard veteran, Realtor and property manager Pat Dillow on a mission to deliver donated tools to both active duty and discharged veterans. Since 2014, Tools4Troops has supplied tools to over 4,000 veterans.

There is a real need for tools and supplies for veterans leaving the military and entering the job force. According.. Read the rest

Tackling the Appliance Overload

We really like our kitchen gadgets in the United States. According to statistics website, the kitchen accessories market hit $1.2 billion in 2017; that’s a lot of garlic presses and juicers. And for those of us who thought they’d be grilling at least three times a week on the George Foreman, it’s a safe bet to say that didn’t come to pass.

Many unused kitchen appliances end up on pantry or garage shelves, or the back recesses of the kitchen cabinets, their bulkiness something to be dealt with later. How do we decide what appliances to keep, and which we can say goodbye to?  

.. Read the rest

What’s in Your Closet?

The Move Makers work with many reliable and professional partners, and this month we begin a regular feature highlighting these local businesses.

Do you find yourself reaching for the same two or three outfits that are your “safe” clothes – those you think look good on you, are comfortable and fit right – leaving behind a lot of other pieces purchased and worn only once or twice? What’s holding you back from digging deeper in your closet for the items you once liked enough to purchase?

Laura Ziegler of Embracing Our Age works with “women of a certain age” – those generally between 55 and 70 – to bring overlooked clothing to the forefront, helping them re-style their wardrobes with what they already have... Read the rest

A Resolution To Keep – Downsizing in the New Year

New Year’s resolutions don’t always have to be about losing weight or fixing bad habits.  Sometimes they can be a determination to start taking control of the things that surround us in our homes that block us from moving forward. What’s a better time than in January to start putting those thoughts into actions and making a plan to organize and clear out your home?

Organizing and downsizing in January can be especially fruitful if you’re planning on selling your home some time later in the year. The spring and summer months are peak times for real estate sales and moving... Read the rest

The Gift of Preparing for The Future

Whether you’re 45 or 85, planning for the future can be the biggest gift you give to your family members, even while you’re still here to enjoy the present.  According to a study by, 40% of people surveyed did not have any estate planning in place because they “just haven’t gotten around to it.” 

Beyond the obvious financial aspect of planning, one often overlooked piece of business is just what to do with your belongings once you have decided to transition to a smaller home, or are no longer here to enjoy them. 

If you are considering downsizing, here are a few ideas that can be practiced now, as a “gift” to your family members and yourself, by lifting the burden from them – and you – down the road... Read the rest

The Move Makers Take A Look Back at 2019. It was a Great Year!

Year number six is in the books for The Move Makers, and what a year it was!  We continue to grow and have assisted with many move outs and move ins in 2019, all while taking the stress out of the process for our wonderful clients and their families.

In 2018, The Move Makers achieved A+ Accreditation by the National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM), the leading professional organization for Senior Move Managers in the world.  This year, our founder Carolyn Rowe was elected to the NASMM Board of Directors, and looks forward to her role on the leadership team... Read the rest

Preparing Your Pet for a Move

If you’ve ever moved a household, you know how stressful a move can be for you, but often it can be even more stressful for your pet, whose whole world is your home.  Here are some simple steps to consider to help settle in your furry friends more comfortably.

  1.  A visit to the vet:  According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, take your pet to the veterinarian for a complete check up and to update any shots before a move. If you’re moving out of state or are traveling on a plane to your new destination, updated documents are required by airlines and some states.
.. Read the rest

Organizing 101: Inside Tips from the Move Makers Crew

Our crew at The Move Makers have managed hundreds of moves for our clients, and we’ve learned quite a few things along the way. One important thing we’ve learned is never to make any assumptions about the ease or difficulty of a project beforehand, because there are always surprises. Another thing we’ve learned is that when an unexpected situation arises, we can rely on the experience and training of our staff, and the expertise of our trusted partners, to overcome any obstacle.

With that in mind, we’d like to bring you a just a few of our well-seasoned tips from our team, many of whom are Professional Organizers, so that your own home project can get off to a great start, and hopefully a successful finish!.. Read the rest

What’s Your Clutter Hotspot Habit?

As we leave the warmth of summer for the cooler months, now is a good time to examine the hotspots of clutter in your home. This month we look at the motivations for why things collect where they do.  Maybe you’ll recognize yourself!  

Out of sight, out of mind:   this is where we squirrel away things that we don’t want to deal with, and since we don’t actually see them on a regular basis, we think the problem is solved.  However, we often take away the function of that place which was intended for another purpose.  If you have a guest bedroom filled with items that you don’t want to deal with, chances are you’re less likely to invite people over to stay. .. Read the rest