Tag Archives: Packing and Move Preparation

Prepare to Pack – 10 Packing Tips from the Pros

During the months/weeks/days before your move, remember to stop buying food and supplies. Eat the food in your freezer and pantry, and wait to replace tools and small appliances until you arrive at your new home. For more tips, download our Move Checklist

Do not underestimate the time it takes to pack. If you have ALL of the materials you need and have made ALL of the decisions about what to keep, it may still take 20-40 hours (or more) to pack up your home.

10 Packing Tips from the Pros

  1. Set up an area in each room to place items you will need before, or immediately after your move (medications, computer and phone chargers, vitamins, toiletries, clothing, etc.).
.. Read the rest

Preparing For Your Move – How to Save Time, Money and Avoid Stress

If you are moving this summer, now is the time to do a reality check. Are you finished sorting? Have you booked a mover? Are you being realistic about the time it will take you to do all of the move-related tasks on your list?

Here are 3 tips for saving time, money and avoiding stress:

  1. Book the mover early
    • If you’re moving out of state, your move will be estimated by the weight of everything you are taking. Complete sorting before you get an estimate if at all possible.
    • If you’re moving locally, you will be charged by the hour, so the more you donate, sell or discard, the more you will save.
.. Read the rest

Ready, Set, Sell Your House!

The newness of spring not only brings buds to the trees but a change in real estate as sellers gear up to put their homes on the market.  With more homes on the market comes more competition. And with more competition, many homeowners are looking for an advantage of how to make their homes more appealing to buyers.

A clean and uncluttered home sells faster and often for more money, according to Trulia.com.

Here are a few tips to help your home ready for the peak home-buying season.

Make a Plan

You would be hard-pressed to find a home that is so well kept that it is ready to go when the homeowner decides to sell. .. Read the rest