Making Move Day a Little Less Maddening

The boxes are packed, the movers are scheduled, the new home is ready for you.  You’ve got the big moving day coming up, but will you be ready?  With a little preparation, move day can be a breeze.  Here are some ways to prepare that you may not have thought about:

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1. Pet Care

While you’re excited about the move, your pet may be very confused and scared when the door is flung open wide and strangers are toting his favorite couch out to the truck.  Consider an offsite pet sitter or doggie daycare for the day, so you won’t have to worry about your pup hiding somewhere or bolting out into the neighborhood.  For more information on how to deal with pets and moving, here are some tips from our blog.

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2. Have some baggies and a ‘parts box’ ready

Movers are usually very adept at disassembling furniture like beds and shelving, but you’ll want to make sure that all of the little parts like fasteners, nuts, bolts and screws don’t get lost in the shuffle.  While some movers bring them, not all do, so having some plastic baggies, a permanent marker and a small parts box available to keep these pieces in one place will assure you’ve got all the necessary parts to put things back together again. Our team places remote controls, chargers, shelf pins and other critical items in this box also.

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3. Plants

Have a couple of open boxes on hand for your houseplants, and prepare to move them yourself.  Movers generally don’t move houseplants, and interstate movers are prohibited from doing so, so making space in your own vehicle for them is essential if you plan to move them to your new home.  For more tips on moving plants, check out our blog.

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4. Friends and family

Enlist the help of friends and family, even if you have hired movers.  You’re sure to have some things that won’t go on the truck, and enlisting the help of friends and family will make lighter work for everyone.  Assign some specific roles and be sure to reward them with a nice dinner or a bottle of wine later to show your gratitude.

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5. Keep up the good mood

Play some upbeat music for the movers and everyone else working that day.  It can keep the energy going and create a positive atmosphere. 

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6. Pack an essentials bag

Having those most needed items on your first night in the new house is important.  Medications, toiletries, toilet paper –  think about all of the items you’ll need that will help make you comfortable in your new home that you can’t necessarily access from your moving boxes right away. 

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7. Have a tip ready

Movers by trade are hard workers, and while it is not always expected, a tip for good service is always appreciated.  If you’re moving locally, you can wait until the same crew unloads your goods at your new home to tip.  If your goods are moving interstate, check with the driver to see if the same crew moving your household goods out will be the same as the ones unloading at the other end.  If not, then consider tipping the crew before they leave your home with your load, and be prepared to tip those unloading the truck at its final destination.  

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8. Consider a Move Manager

A Move Manager can relieve much of the stress on move day.  They can supervise the movers, and make sure the items are carefully labelled for easy identification at your new location.  You don’t even need to be there!