Category Archives: Downsizing and Organizing

Sorting Through a Lifetime: How to Preserve Family Memories and Heirlooms

When my mother was born in 1939, her family were stateless White Russians living in Shanghai, China. In 1947, they fled the advancing forces of Mao Tse-Tung and ended up in Panama. That early upheaval shaped her life in many ways—including, I believe, her tendency to hoard.

It wasn’t too much of a problem when I was younger, but by the end of her life, we were debating whether she really needed fifteen colanders in various shapes and sizes. When she died late last year, her apartment was still filled with unpacked boxes from a move five years earlier.

So, we set to work... Read the rest

The Art of Organizing for the Holidays

Here we are with the holidays before us. I’m writing this on Halloween, staring at my neighbors’ displays of skeletons and spiders. In a few short weeks, we’ll see pumpkin displays amid the fall foliage as we celebrate Thanksgiving. And then will come the inflatable reindeer and the life-sized Santas, along with light displays that make the neighborhood seem like fairy land.

But you can’t keep seasonal decor up all year. One thing’s for sure: organizing holiday supplies and decorations can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to preserving your sanity during the festive season. I asked Deborah U., client relations manager (as well as star art-hanger) at The Move Makers, for her advice on dealing with holiday décor... Read the rest

Five Things Not to Take With You as You Downsize

Downsizing can be both an exciting and daunting task, especially when moving from a spacious home to a cozier space. But with the right mindset and a bit of planning, it can also be a liberating experience.

As a move management company, much of The Move Makers’ work revolves around helping seniors transition from their long-time homes to new living communities. This often means moving from large houses with expansive yards to two-bedroom apartments with galley kitchens.

It’s always a challenge deciding what to take to this new living situation. We may have a book collection which we love, or china place settings from our wedding registry–a wedding that was sixty years ago... Read the rest

Basement Makeover: A Step-by-step Guide to Decluttering Downstairs

A basement, quite frankly, can be a boon or a bust. If you’re the lucky owner of a house with a finished basement, with a lovely media room for the kids, or a place for the pool table and a player piano on the side, count yourself lucky indeed. For many others, the basement can elicit more problems than pleasure—a damp and dingy space, a place where all the surplus household things go to hide.

Organizing such a basement can be a rewarding project. Imagine walking into a cool, calm subterranean oasis, where everything has its place and where everyone can cool down on a hot summer’s day... Read the rest

The Great Paper Chase: Dealing with the Paper in Your Life

I have a confession: I have a paper problem. Currently, my desk is a staging post for piles of tax forms, receipts, note cards, bills and magazines. In the attic are boxes containing the more sentimental stuff: old love letters and even my elementary school report cards. (Thanks, Mom!)

Paper piles are hard to keep on top of–and that’s even when the recycling bin seems perennially full and my shredder works overtime. And, quite frankly, they’re an eyesore. Every so often, I dedicate an hour or two to corralling the bills and articles ripped from magazines, using the good old KonMarie Method (“What sparks joy?”).. Read the rest

“Just the Right Size” Downsizing Presentation

Need some inspiration for your moving project? Are you downsizing or selling your home? Join The Move Makers and other professionals for our free presentation, where we will share information on everything organizing, downsizing and moving. We will offer 10 valuable tips on how to work through the process. How do you avoid the emotional pitfalls? You will go away with a strategy that you can use. Industry professional speakers will be Valerie Hurst from The Springs, Lara James with Keller Williams and Deborah Ulrich with The Move Makers.

FREE “Just the Right Size” Downsizing Presentation

Date: Thursday, January 25 , 2024 Time: 11:00AM (lunch to follow)

Location: The Springs at Carman Oaks in the Theater Room
3800 Carman Dr.,
.. Read the rest

A Bookworm’s Guide to Downsizing A Book Collection

If you’re anything like me, you understand that books aren’t just inanimate objects: they are cherished companions on life’s journey. The classics of childhood evoke memories of days gone by, and the sight of a particular volume can transport you to the very places where you first enjoyed their pages, whether it was in a cozy mountain cabin or a sun-soaked beach. Perhaps you even possess valuable or rare books, or books signed by your favorite authors, with your name etched within.

There’s no denying that books are one of the most difficult things to downsize. They even earn their own chapter in Marie Kondo’s The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up... Read the rest

Find Joy in Editing Your Holiday Decor

Last year, one of our Move Makers team members realized that the holiday decorations she’d collected over the years were taking up more time and space than she wanted. What was once a fun activity had become a chore, due to the sheer volume of decorations she had accumulated. Dragging those boxes and totes out of storage was becoming exhausting.  

Those of us who have been in our homes for many years can face the same challenges.  Do I need to put out ALL of my decorations each year?  Will it still feel like Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or Christmas if I don’t?.. Read the rest

Tips for Downsizing Decor and More

Even though I live in a small home, I enjoy changing out my decor with the seasons. Over the years I have curated a collection of interesting items that I can arrange and rearrange with endless possibilities, which keeps me interested and my spaces fresh. I am fortunate to have a small walk up attic and this is my designated area for storing all decor by season.

When I was putting away holiday decorations earlier this month, I noticed that about half the boxes had not been touched. In fact, I remembered that this was the second year in a row it had happened, signaling to me that it was time to take action... Read the rest

Clean Up Your Outdoor Spaces NOW to Save Time, Money, and Stress When It’s Time to Move

Fall is a great time to downsize everything outside your home since indoor projects can happen once the weather turns cooler. Even when you are not planning to move, a quick clean-up will give you a head start in the spring. Think of starting at the edges of your property and working inward from the areas most visible from the street (and your neighbors). If you are planning to move within the next year or two, you will save yourself significant stress by taking care of the outside cleanup early, enabling you to focus on the inside of your home later... Read the rest