3 Strategies That Will Reduce Your Stress As You Prepare To Move


Spring Into An Organized Move!

3 Strategies That Will Reduce Your Stress As You Prepare To Move

1) Focus on the important stuff first. 

Believe it or not, most people spend about 75% of their time and energy before a move sorting, moving and selling the items they don’t want, leaving the important items until last! We recommend beginning your project by sorting and packing what is most important to you (not the things you use every day…we’ll talk about what to do with those next time). Carefully label 2 sides of every box or bin and stack neatly with labels showing.

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Project Kathryn


Downsize two storage units ( That I had for 15 years) to one and then help with a move when I lost motivation..

Are there any team members you would like to especially acknowledge?

Carolyn, of course, is special, teaching you new skills and attitudes as things get organized. I expected to have help disposal and storage issues but had no idea I was going to be coached through it so well. Jenny and Cindy are tidy, speedy and gentle movers…that is gentle to the person being moved.

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