Declutter for a Cause: Where to Donate, Recycle, or Resell in Portland, Oregon

You’ve sold your house and are downsizing, with the help of The Move Makers. There are lots of decisions about what to keep, and what to give to family or friends. But once those decisions are made, what about the items that no longer fit your new space, yet still have value?

Consider donating, recycling, or consigning them through one of Portland’s many non-profits and sustainable organizations. Whether it’s household goods for Community Warehouse, furniture for Habitat for Humanity ReStore, books for the Children’s Book Bank, or electronics for Free Geek, your gently used items can find a second life while supporting a good cause... Read the rest

Sorting Through a Lifetime: How to Preserve Family Memories and Heirlooms

When my mother was born in 1939, her family were stateless White Russians living in Shanghai, China. In 1947, they fled the advancing forces of Mao Tse-Tung and ended up in Panama. That early upheaval shaped her life in many ways—including, I believe, her tendency to hoard.

It wasn’t too much of a problem when I was younger, but by the end of her life, we were debating whether she really needed fifteen colanders in various shapes and sizes. When she died late last year, her apartment was still filled with unpacked boxes from a move five years earlier.

So, we set to work... Read the rest

Starting Fresh: Organizing and Decluttering for a New Year

The holiday parties are over. The Christmas decorations have been taken down and stored away. You’ve toasted to a new year and made some resolutions. If you’re anything like me, these include the perennial ones to eat healthier and deal with clutter.

Each year, I start with energy and good intentions. These are easily derailed, but 2024 was a little different because of the death of my mother. My wife and I traveled to England to help my sister and brother deal with my mother’s estate. My wife, an energy powerhouse and not quite as encumbered by grief as the rest of us, set the standard as she went through my mum’s things... Read the rest

The Move Makers 2024: A Season of Gratitude

As the year winds down, we at The Move Makers reflect on the blessings, challenges, and growth we’ve experienced in 2024. Here are some heartfelt reflections from our team:


Annie: This year, I’m reminded daily of how fortunate I am. My husband of 45 years, our two beautiful daughters, and our wonderful son-in-law fill my heart with joy. The best part of my day is breakfast with my family, where we connect deeply and talk about everything. I’m grateful for the privilege of being a mom and hold immense admiration for mothers striving against the odds. Looking ahead to 2025, my focus is on embracing a healthier life for both me and my husband.

.. Read the rest

The Art of Organizing for the Holidays

Here we are with the holidays before us. I’m writing this on Halloween, staring at my neighbors’ displays of skeletons and spiders. In a few short weeks, we’ll see pumpkin displays amid the fall foliage as we celebrate Thanksgiving. And then will come the inflatable reindeer and the life-sized Santas, along with light displays that make the neighborhood seem like fairy land.

But you can’t keep seasonal decor up all year. One thing’s for sure: organizing holiday supplies and decorations can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to preserving your sanity during the festive season. I asked Deborah U., client relations manager (as well as star art-hanger) at The Move Makers, for her advice on dealing with holiday décor... Read the rest

Five Things Not to Take With You as You Downsize

Downsizing can be both an exciting and daunting task, especially when moving from a spacious home to a cozier space. But with the right mindset and a bit of planning, it can also be a liberating experience.

As a move management company, much of The Move Makers’ work revolves around helping seniors transition from their long-time homes to new living communities. This often means moving from large houses with expansive yards to two-bedroom apartments with galley kitchens.

It’s always a challenge deciding what to take to this new living situation. We may have a book collection which we love, or china place settings from our wedding registry–a wedding that was sixty years ago... Read the rest

Autumn Adventures: Moving House during the Fall Season

As I sit here in late July, watching the excitement of the Paris Olympics, it’s hard to believe that fall will be upon us in just a few short weeks. In the world of moving, we’re currently in the middle of the “busy season,” with many people taking advantage of the warm weather and long daylight hours.

But have you ever considered the benefits of moving in the fall? If you’re not tied to school schedules and have a certain amount of flexibility, autumn can be an ideal time to make a move. Here’s why:

1. Less Competition

Fall isn’t the peak moving season, so you may find it easier to schedule movers and secure discounts from moving companies... Read the rest

Basement Makeover: A Step-by-step Guide to Decluttering Downstairs

A basement, quite frankly, can be a boon or a bust. If you’re the lucky owner of a house with a finished basement, with a lovely media room for the kids, or a place for the pool table and a player piano on the side, count yourself lucky indeed. For many others, the basement can elicit more problems than pleasure—a damp and dingy space, a place where all the surplus household things go to hide.

Organizing such a basement can be a rewarding project. Imagine walking into a cool, calm subterranean oasis, where everything has its place and where everyone can cool down on a hot summer’s day... Read the rest

We Are A Vendor For “The Longest Day” Event!

Let’s celebrate the Summer Solstice at “The Longest Day” Event

A benefit for the Alzheimers Association

Please join us and my fantastic vendors/donors and become a part of our team, “Walking on Sunshine!”, as we celebrate this special day ushering in the summer season by supporting a cause near and dear to many of us. Alzheimer’s disease robs families and communities of treasured members. It touches, or will touch, all of us. Let’s come together and help put an end to this cruel disease! Your help and friendship mean the world to us!


June 20th, 2024
5:30 – 8:00 PM

Ruzzo’s Retreat
15252 OR-224
Clackamas, OR 97015

What to expect:

  • Live music with: Pontiac Nights
  • Ruzzo Beverages
  • Food carts
  • Vendors
  • Silent Auction
  • Family-friendly event

The Alzheimer’s Association is a nationally recognized 501(C)(3)... Read the rest

Dealing with the Grief Process while Moving

“Grief reorders your address book.” A friend of mine used that phrase when talking about the support (or lack thereof) he received after the death of his son. People he expected to step up to help him and his family went silent or disappeared; conversely, people he didn’t know well stepped forward and provided meals and a listening ear. It was an illuminating insight into the world surrounding grief.

At The Move Makers, we specialize in senior move management, and we’ve witnessed firsthand how grief can reorder and reshape lives. Our role extends beyond logistics; we offer a shoulder to lean on and a compassionate ear to listen... Read the rest