Simplify your move with Color!

Color coding is one of our favorite strategies for simplifying moves. We love using color so much that we use this strategy on every move we organize (that’s a lot of stickies!). Let’s face it, moving everything you own is no small feat, especially if you are moving into a smaller space. Most often there are items that need to go to multiple destinations (such as your new home, a storeroom, the homes of family members, consignment shops and donation collection spots), as well as items that still need to be sorted and things that someone else needs to look at. By using color to visually sort your belongings, you can prepare for your move ahead of time and still leave everything in its place, which is so much less disruptive!

2015-06-11 Color KeyHere’s how to get started:

1. Gather your color coding supplies: Sticky notes, colored tape, yarn, tags, stickers or a combination of the above.

2. Set up a color “key” so that everyone will know what each color indicates. Make multiple copies of the key and post in various locations around the house.

3. Choose the categories you want to use. (Hint: Stick to 6 or less. Too many colors is just plain confusing!)

4. Begin with one room. See if you can mark absolutely everything in the room, moving in a circle around the room.

5. Adjust your color coding system if necessary, then continue to the next room and beyond!

Do you feel more in control of your move? Let us know! We love helping people simplify the process of moving.


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